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Recorded: 6/10/2018 Released: 10/29/2018
Randy explains some recent developments in the Einstein-Cartan torsion field to Jim. This theory introduces at least one tensor field representing the intrinsic angular momentum at a space-time point, and was originally intended to remove singularities from general relativity.
1. The papers we read for this program:
- Minkevich, A.V., "Accelerating Universe with spacetime torsion but without dark matter and dark energy" Phys Lett B 678, 73 (2009). [arXiv]
- Poplawski, N., "Nonsingular Dirac Particles in Spacetime with Torsion" Phys Lett B 690, 73 (2010). [arXiv]
- Poplawski, N., "Spacetime torsion as a possible remedy to major problems in gravity and cosmology." J. Astron. Rev. 8, 180 (2013). 1745-1749. [arXiv]
2. My review of Will's book. This paper serves as something of an update of it. A true update is scheduled to come in December 2018.
3. Related Episodes of Physics Frontiers:
- Physics Frontiers 33: The Positive Energy Theorem
- Physics Frontiers 29: Gravitational Alternatives to Dark Energy
- Physics Frontiers 27: Gravitational Equivalence Principles
- Physics Frontiers 23: Dark Energy
- Physics Frontiers 10: Requirements for Gravitational Theories
- Physics Frontiers 9: f(R) Theories of Gravity
4. Contact Randy at randy@physicsfm.com to take him up on his offer. Actually, I don't know if those e-mail redirects really work. I set them up some time ago, but I've never seen anything come in from them.
5. Please visit and comment on our subreddit, and if you can help us keep this going by contributing to our Patreon, we'd be grateful.
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