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Recorded: 5/2/2019 Released: 7/15/2019
Randy and Jim discuss the lower bound on the speed of communication within a wave function, and the limits associated with it.
1. The papers we read for this program:
- Salart, D., A. Bass, C. Branciard, N. Gisin, and H. Zbinden, "Testing Spooky Action at a Distance." Nature 454, 861 (2008). [arXiv]
- Bancal, J-D., S. Pironio, A. Acin, H-L. Liang, V. Scarani, and N. Gisin, "Quantum Non-Locality Based on Finite-Speed Causal Influences Leads to Superluminal Signalling." Nat. Phys. 8, 867 (2012). [arXiv]
- Yin, J., Y. Cao, Y-C. Yong, J-G. Ren, H. Liang, S-K Liao, F Zhou, C. Liu, Y-P Wu, G-S. Pan, Li Li, N-L. Liu, Q. Zhang, C-Z. Peng, and J-W Pan, "Lower Bound on the Speed of Nonlocal Correlations without Locality and Measurement Choice Loopholes." Phys. Rev. Lett 110, 260407 (2013). [arXiv]
- Kofler, J., Ursin, R., Brukner, C, and Zeilinger, A., "Comment on: Testing the speed of ‘spooky action at a distance’." (2008). [arXiv]
- Wang, S. and X. Wang, "Comment on “Lower Bound on the Speed of Nonlocal Correlations without Locality and Measurement Choice Loopholes”" (2014). [arXiv]
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4. The experiments in this podcast were based on Bell's Theorem, and if you're unfamiliar with it, you should check out The Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, a collection of Bell's essays, which I review here. I also have discussions of The Wave Function and Quantum Sense and Nonsense, the first a philosophical and the second an advanced non-technical account of the same phenomena.
5. Please visit and comment on our subreddit, and if you can help us keep this going by contributing to our Patreon, we'd be grateful.
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