Friday, May 31, 2024

Quantum Machine Learning with Bruna Shinohara

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Recorded: 2024/02/16 Released: 2024/05/31

Jim talks with Bruna Shinohara about quantum machine learning.
------------------------------------------- Notes:

1. The article that we discussed in this program:
2. Other papers and articles mentioned in the podcast:
  • Aaronson, Scott, "Read the Fine Print." Nature Physics 11 211 (2015). [ Free
  • I'll ask Bruna to send me a link to the large QML article she talked about in the podcast.
/ 3. Related Episodes of Physics Frontiers:
4. Please visit and comment on our subreddit, YouTube Channel, or Twitter account. These are also places to look for announcements of new episodes and the like. And if you could help us keep this going by contributing to our Patreon, we'd be grateful.
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