Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Primordial Black Holes with Elba Alonso-Monsalve and David Kaiser

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Recorded: 2024/07/03 Released: 2024/09/03

Jim talks with Elba Alonso-Monsalve and David Kaiser about the prospects of a class of primordial black holes as a candidate for dark matter. These tiny black holes form just after the inflationary epoch when it is possible for them to form from inhomogeneities wihtout a prior history as a star. Black holes forming during this time time-frame would not have to be color neutral as baryons and mesons are.
------------------------------------------- Notes:

1. The articles that we discussed for this program:
2. Other papers and articles mentioned in the podcast: 3.Dave's webpage at MIT. 4. Related Episodes of Physics Frontiers:
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